Twitter plans to delete inactive accounts in an effort to free-up names starting December 11th.  According to Twitter’s Inactive Account Policy, “To keep your account active, be sure to log in and Tweet at least every 6 months. Accounts may be permanently removed due to prolonged inactivity. “

A Twitter spokesperson told The Verge, “As part of our commitment to serve the public conversation, we’re working to clean up inactive accounts to present more accurate, credible information people can trust across Twitter,” 

Keeping your account or snagging one that someone has been squatting on is fairly simple.

How to Keep Your Account Active
Sign in before December 11th, accept any policy update messages and sent out a tweet! I’d recommend sending out a few just to be safe.  Then set a reminder every six months to log in and post an update.

How to Snag That Account You’ve Always Wanted
On December 11th, start stalking out that account you’ve wanted, but someone else has been sitting on.  Then be ready to grab it as soon as it becomes available.