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[accordian][toggle title=”About Digital Megaphone”]Digital Megaphone gives marketing professionals and influencers the opportunity to network, learn and socialize in interactive settings. Digital Megaphone has connected more than 3,000 brand marketers and social influencers through cutting-edge social media summits and challenges as well as interactive blogger brand events.[/toggle] [toggle title=”About Hope Bertram”]Emmy Nominated Hope Bertram jumped into the digital marketing scene early on. After obtaining a Masters in Integrated Marketing from Northwestern University, she went on to interactive marketing positions with top companies such as GE, Discover Card and Sears.
In 2007 she founded Digital Megaphone, giving marketing professionals and influencers the opportunity to network, learn and socialize. Digital Megaphone has connected more than 3,000 marketers through cutting-edge educational events. Clients and sponsors include CBS, MasterCard, Kenmore, Kraft, Jockey and more.
Inspired by successful female business women, Bertram recently launched the Powerful Woman Project a video series created to feature accomplished women’s’ path to success and encourage future female leaders.[/toggle]
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