The event is at ActiveCampaign, 1 N. Dearborn! There will be volunteers in the loby to direct you to the elevators.
Please scroll to the bottom of the page to purchase your tickets!
Celebrate Digital Megaphone’s Top Women in Digital Marketing on Wednesday, May 1st at an inspirational event at ActiveCampaign’s Chicago headquarters.
The evening will include:
- Networking with an elite group of your peers
- Heavy appetizers and drinks
- An awards ceremony that will include motivational talks from inspirational women
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm – Registration and networking
7:00 pm – 8:40 pm – Awards ceremony and inspirational talks.
You’ll walk away energized with a renewed passion for your job!
Find out more about this year’s winners!
A portion of the ticket proceeds will be donated to the Chicago chapter of Step-up Woman’s Network.
Inspirational Speakers

Melanie Jachles, Sr. VP, Digital at Edelman, will share tips from working over nine years in the agency world on getting hired, staying hired, building relationships and rising-up in your company!

Ten Tips for Success Throughout Your Career
Carol Fowler, former Sr. VP, Digital News Products at the Chicago Sun-Times will share golden nuggets of inspiration and tips on what she’s learned throughout her career. Whether you’re just starting out or entering your 50’s, you’ll walk away from this talk with insights as you climb the career ladder.

From Having a Dream to Living the Dream
Learn how Whitney Reynolds, Host and owner of The Whitney Reynolds Show on PBS turned her child hood dream into a reality. In the midst of the recession and with all doors looking closed, she gave herself the first and best YES. She launched an online talk show and within a year was picked up on TV in one of the nation’s biggest markets.

The Power of The Ask
Let’s face it, asking for what you want, and need can be a daunting task. Award-winning author, speaker and lifestyle expert, Jasmine Stringer was living her life like so many others — on autopilot, without vision or purpose until an ASK changed her perspective and she realized she hadn’t been happy or fulfilled in years. She decided to tap into the power of asking. Get “JAZZ’ed UP” with Jasmine and release the apprehension and anxiety making ask often invokes.
Please make sure you are purchasing the correct ticket type. Honorees attend as our guest. If you are an honoree and haven’t received your registration code, please reach out!
If you have questions or have trouble registering, please call the registration hotline at 773-234-6731