Our Social Media Masters Summit Preview party hosted by Social Media Club at the beautiful Metropolitan Club of Chicago just got a little more exciting!! In addition to fantastic views and amazing networking, Andy is going to be critiquing websites on the fly!

He’ll take a look at some real company websites and critique them live. That’s right. He’ll be calling out the good, the bad and the ugly on the Internet.   If you’d like your website critiqued, just ask.  He’ll get to as many websites as he can.
So it’s your chance to bring in examples of sites and see them through his eyes. He’ll critique based on design, search-friendliness, content and conversion optimization.
If appropriate, we’ll take a few minutes to dig into the lessons we can learn from the mistakes of others. We’ll have some slides ready to go deeper into key takeaways. All attendees will leave with new ideas on how to improve their own sites the minute they get home.
Bring your best, your worst and everything in between!
Register before tickets sell out!
Want to find out more about our Social Media Masters Summit on Wed. May 6th!?  Visit the Summit Website!